Fan Zone
What's a Parson?
The mascot of Snead State Community College is the Parson. The Parson was chosen originally to represent the circuit riding preachers who were common in the Methodist community, and Snead State was originally founded as a Methodist seminary. We continue the tradition today as a nod to our founding.
The Parson Pit
The Parson Pit student cheering section began in 2005 as a project of the SSCC Ambassadors and still continues today. The purpose is to provide encouragement and support to the College’s athletic teams during games.
Alma Mater
Dear Alma Mater, thy tow’ring pine trees rise
High on the mountains ‘neath Alabama’s skies.
Work, play and fellowship, are all we share with thee;
Onward you lead us to noble destiny.
Dear Alma Mater, united now we stand,
Proudly to serve thee with heart and mind and hand.
Our voices echo o’er lakes and fields of white;
Our hands in faith we join and follow in thy light.
Dear Alma Mater, thy praise we sing anew;
Always thy virtues will guide us straight and true.
Though we may leave thee, forever say adieu
Still Alma Mater, our hearts belong to you.
Fight Song
Fight on for dear old Snead State
Tradition and honor the same.
Glory, glory to the gold and blue
We will fight for you!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Stand up and shout for vict’ry.
We’ll cheer til the end of time.
The gold and blue is fearless and true
So fight, Snead, fight!
Fight, Snead, fight!